Support Us

Make a Difference

LM-A is seeking ongoing financial support on a monthly basis and will welcome any financial contribution as we begin this journey – trusting in the Triune God to provide our needs.

Alternatively, you make like to donate directly into our bank account by direct transfer.
We welcome regular electronic giving. Please speak to your bank about setting up this up if you need some help, providing them with the following bank account details:

BSB: 083-543
Account Number: 251571051
Account Name: Lutheran Mission – Australia

ABN 92 677 325 441

Get involved

Do you have skills and talents that could be useful in our task? Contact us if you can serve with administrative, organisational or theological tasks. Have other skills you think could be helpful? We’d love to hear from you.

Pray for us

LM-A has a great task set before us, as we work as hard as we can to support, gather and encourage Confessional Lutherans in Australia. Would you please pray for us?

Some prayer points:

  • Pray for all confessional Lutherans as we uphold the purity of God’s Word and the Lutheran Confessions.

  • Ask for God’s grace and peace for all those attending General Pastors’ Conference and the General Convention of Synod. Pray that the Holy Spirit gives each person the wisdom to seek first the kingdom of God, and the courage to hold fast to His Word.