Happy Birthday, LM-A!

‘Praise the Lord. Sing to the Lord a new song,
his praise in the assembly of his faithful people.’ Psalm 149:1

Lutheran Mission - Australia has been formally launched as a church body.

Over the weekend of 23-24 November 2024, we gathered at the launch dinner on Saturday night and then at the installation service on Sunday afternoon, to celebrate what God has been doing in Australia through Lutheran Mission - Australia. Both events were very well attended, and many people commented on the wide age range of those present, from young children to our older saints.

The Launch Dinner

The launch dinner was held at the Hamilton Exhibition and Convention Centre. Almost 200 people gathered on a steamy evening to celebrate the launch. The dinner was notable for the joyful conversations as people reunited with old friends and made new ones, the delicious food served by a willing band of young volunteers, and by the encouraging and rousing remarks by our special guests.

Pastor David Wear was the Master of Ceremonies, and brought humour and sincerity to the role as he marshalled the crowd and introduced the speakers. President Matt Anker opened the evening with a brief welcome and grace.

As the Asia region representative of the International Lutheran Council and President of the Lutheran Church in the Philippines, Reverend President Antonio del Rio Reyes began the formal proceedings by extending his warmest congratulations to all involved in LM-A and gave glory to God for all He is doing in Australia.

“Today is a day of profound rejoicing and heartfelt gratitude! Our Lord, the God of the harvest and the Master Builder of His Church, has once again displayed His unfailing love and mercy by raising up a faithful assembly under the banner of Lutheran Mission-Australia. Through His grace, He has empowered you to stand firm in His Word and remain steadfast in the treasures of the Lutheran Confessions.”

President Reyes highlighted the wider impact of making a good confession;

“Your unwavering commitment to standing firm on the unchanging Word of God amid a world of shifting values and doctrines is truly inspiring. In an age where many are swayed by cultural trends, your resolve to uphold Christ’s Gospel reflects your love for Him and your faithfulness to His mission. As you embark on this new ministry, may your organisation be a lighthouse of hope, a refuge for the weary, and a bold witness to the transformative power of God’s Word... May the light of His truth shine brightly through your words and actions, bringing hope to the lost and glorifying the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.”

The gathering was then treated to a rousing address by the Reverend Dr Jonathan Shaw, Assistant to the President of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, and LCMS Director of Church Relations, who exhorted the crowd to continue to make “The Good Confession Now and Forever.”

Expressing the LCMS’s strong support for LM-A, which he described as “the best hope for confessional Lutheranism on this continent”, Dr Shaw laid out the Biblical basis for true confessional unity, and encouraged all present to continue to make a good confession despite the challenges which may lie ahead. He concluded,

“Our Lord Jesus promises, “The gates of hell shall not prevail” (Mt 16:18) against the confession of the Christ, the Son of the living God, and His good Word of forgiveness and life. Your friends in the LCMS confess with you. Our victorious Lord Christ leads and stands for you. Happy birthday, LM-A, and many happy returns, in Christ our Lord.”

Mr Peter Walter, Chairman of LM-A spoke words of welcome and thanksgiving, before President Matt Anker addressed those present. He acknowledged that LM-A stands on the shoulders of the very many faithful people who have contended for ‘true confessional Lutheranism’ over many years, and thanked God for their faithfulness which has meant that the faith has been handed down to all of us and emboldened us to stand firm on the Word of God.

President Anker was very pleased to announce that Pastor Michael Prenzler has accepted the call to the dual role of Church Planter in Adelaide and Seminary Development Officer. He reaffirmed LM-A’s strong commitment to the establishment of a seminary to provide face-to-face instruction for pastors, deaconesses and layworkers.

He concluded

“In the coming months and years I am certain there will be times when all of us feel lonely and wish that things were different. At those times I want to encourage you to remember this weekend and the joy of being together with brothers and sisters with whom you real and deep confessional unity. But I also want to encourage you to remember that there are literally millions of saints praying for us around the world. Tonight we have a handful of them here representing the great throng approaching the throne of grace on our behalf. I am enormously thankful to the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and President Matthew Harrison and his team who have not hesitated to support and encourage us in every way possible as we have begun this endeavour. President Antonio Reyes brings with him the support, encouragement and fraternal commitment of the International Lutheran Council, along with that of the Lutheran Church in the Philippines whose Board of Directors recently voted unanimously to stand together with Lutheran Mission – Australia. Do not listen to the lies of the devil. We are not alone. In addition to the great cloud of witnesses both past and present, we have Christ Jesus who has promised never to leave or forsake us.”

The Installation Service

The installation service was held the following afternoon at 2.30pm at the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Hamilton. The beautiful church was filled, with over 365 attending.

Mr Peter Walter welcomed all present and asked us to stand for the processional hymn, Thy Strong Word Did Cleave the Darkness. It was incredibly stirring to hear so many voices raised with confidence and joy, as the procession made its way down the aisle, led by crucifer Josh Rentsch. He was followed by Preacher Dr Adam Hensley, Presiding Minister for the Installation Rev. President Antonio Reyes, Liturgist Pastor Mathew Ker and President Matt Anker.

Pastor Mathew Ker sharing the readings for the day: Isaiah 51:4–6, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 and Matthew 25:1–13. The congregation sang ‘Praise my Soul the King of Heaven’ before Dr Adam Hensley preaching on the gospel reading, the parable of the wise and foolish virgins.

Expressing his thankfulness at being able to participate in “this joyful and historic moment in Australian Lutheran history”, Dr Hensley noted

“What a hopeful and encouraging occasion this is: The launch of Lutheran Mission–Australia, and the installation of President Matthew Anker and Peter, Chris, and Libby as office-bearers. LM–A’s clear confession of the Word of God as “the sole rule and norm for all matters of faith, doctrine, and life,” (LM–A Confession) especially the life of the people of God together, is cause for great thanksgiving both here and around the world. 

Especially so these days. For we have to acknowledge what a cloudy, confused, and messy place Australian Lutheranism is in right now, and the grief, weight, and pain of conscience that goes with it for so many, who lament that the Bible’s teaching about who may fill the pastoral office has become optional, and congregations left to “do what is right in their own eyes.” (Judges 17:6; 21:25) That went badly for Israel too, when “there was no king in Israel,” (Judges 17:6; 18:1; 19:1; 21:25)  and during other dark days to follow, when they did what was right in the eyes of their kings who neglected God’s Word. Days are always dark when what’s right in God’s eyes takes a back seat.  

And these days are dark. And the night far spent.  

But this is not what today is all about, nor is it what makes this occasion important, for such times of disquiet have come and gone throughout all church history.  

The church has always been surrounded and even infected by darkness. A darkness borne of our own sinful nature, deceptive hearts, (Jer 17:9) itching ears, (2 Tim 4:3) and all that is at enmity with God from the Old Adam. A darkness borne of the world and its wiles, of the devil and his lies. And as each generation of saints makes its way through that darkness, they need, and are given, light.  

Light from above. The Light of the World come into the world to redeem the world. The Light of God’s all-sufficient, transformative, saving Word. Such is the joyful Lutheran Confession that we celebrate today! 

As they say, you can curse the darkness. Or you can light a candle…”

Reflecting on the text for the day, Dr Hensley noted that all ten virgins fell asleep and had to be roused when the Bridegroom came in the night. All of them, like us, will fall into that final sleep, and all must watchful for the advent of the Bridegroom at an hour they cannot predict. He encouraged us

“The strength you need is not yours but given to you. And the light does not come from within you. It is the light of Christ and His Word. Light from above! The sure and only foundation on which we are given to build. Light that shines in the darkness, which has not overcome it and never will. Even the present darkness…   

Our Heavenly Bridegroom and King has come and loved the world unto death. He has atoned for all by His cross, and risen again for all for their justification! For you. And He has given us this Gospel to proclaim to all

Our Heavenly Bridegroom and King gives His church the glorious gift of the Holy Ministry: the life-giving, disciple-making, troubled conscience-comforting, Christ-magnifying Apostolic Ministry of the true Gospel, authorized and empowered by Christ Himself through His Word, to seek and save those lost in the dark!  

He has said: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” - nations as far flung as this Great South Land and throughout south-east Asia - “baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”(Matt 28:19–20a) That is your joyful charge! 

And you are not alone! Your confessional brothers and sisters around the world are with you. Most importantly, your Heavenly Bridegroom and King is with you. He says: “I am with you always, even to the end of the age!” (Matt 28:20b)”

Following this powerful sermon, Reverend President Antonio Reyes installed Matt Anker as the first president of LM-A, presenting him with a pectoral cross as a sign of the office.

President Anker then installed Mr Peter Walter and Mr Christopher Noller as Directors of LM-A, and Mrs Libby Krahling as Communications Manager.

Following the prayer of the church and the benediction, greetings were read from those unable to attend in person, and Dr Shaw brought greetings from the LCMS.

President Matt Anker gave thanks to everyone who has supported LM-A, especially his wife Laryssa and his daughters.

He concluded:

“Today is about much more than the beginning of a new church body. As Christians, we are called to boldly confess God’s word with eternity in view, knowing that what we believe, teach and confess does indeed have eternal consequences for us and for those we serve. The writers of the Formula of Concord knew this only too well and concluded that magnificent confession with these words: 

In the sight of God and of all Christendom, we want to testify to those now living and those who will come after us. This declaration presented here about all the controverted articles mentioned and explained above – and no other – is our faith, doctrine and confession. By God’s grace, with intrepid hearts, we are willing to appear before the judgement seat of Christ with this confession and give an account of it. 

LM-A has been established so that together you and I can also testify to those now living and those who will come after us, the whole counsel of God in Christ Jesus. And to do so boldly and without compromise so that when the day comes for us to appear before Christ, we can make this confession with intrepid hearts, knowing that we stand on nothing other than His revealed word. And in so doing, bring forgiveness, life and salvation to all those we are called to serve. 

We know today is a day of mixed emotions. All of us would have preferred that LM-A was not necessary, and yet that is not the situation which God has called us to. Bishop Pohjola has often spoken of the early days after the Mission Diocese in Finland was formed as a result of similar decisions to what we have faced here in Australia. He likens those early days to the days when the people of Israel returned to Jerusalem after the exile. In Ezra chapter 3 we read that as the foundation of the new temple was laid, the old men who had seen the first temple, wept because it was only a shadow of the magnificent temple that went before. But those who had not seen the first temple, shouted with joy at the establishment of this new house of God. And the text says, that the people could not distinguish the sound of the joyful shout from the sound of the people’s weeping. 

Yes, we weep that this day is necessary and that weeping will not simply stop today. But let us also shout for joy because the Lord has preserved us and called us to build a new house for His name that people may know His mighty deeds for generations to come.  

Thank you for your presence here today but even more for the faithful confession you are making as you stand with Lutheran Mission – Australia for the sake of the gospel. God bless you. And God bless Lutheran Mission – Australia.”

The service closed with the recessional hymn, ‘The Church’s One Foundation’, sung with great confidence by all present. Organist Pastor Carl Thiele did a splendid job throughout the service and finished with the most appropriate Hallelujah Chorus by Handel.

Download Rev. President Antonio Reyes’ Launch Speech
Download Rev. Dr. Jonathan Shaw’s Remarks
Download Rev. President Matt Anker’s Address at the Launch Dinner
Download Rev. Dr. Adam Hensley’s Sermon


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