Singing a new song

Oh sing to the Lord a new song,
for he has done marvellous things!
His right hand and his holy arm
have worked salvation for him. 
This Lord has made known his salvation;
he has revealed his righteousness in the sight of the nations. 
He has remembered his steadfast love and faithfulness
to the house of Israel… 
He will judge the world with righteousness,
and the people with equity.

Psalm 98:1-3a, 9b 

Christmas approaches with all the joy and expectation of the blessed arrival of a new born child. More than just a new chapter for the people of God, Jesus’ birth heralds in a whole new book. It is more than a sequel. Perhaps more like the key that unlocks the mystery, revealing the fullness of God’s salvation story fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

Now the Old and New Testaments are read through Christian eyes which know the story of Christ dying on the cross to save us from our sins. In the person of Jesus, Psalm 98 is enacted, and we respond. “Oh, sing to the Lord a new song for he has done marvellous things!” Most of these psalms were written about 1,500 years before Jesus was born in Bethlehem!

The history of Israel is a story of continuous struggle against the Lord because of the sinful nature of humanity. The Israelites were constantly bickering amongst themselves from the time they were led out of Egyptian slavery. They complained about a lack of food, water, shelter and the danger from other nations. When they were settled in the Promised Land, they complained that other nations had kings and they didn’t. We hear this cycle of trying to do things by their power, but then realising that as God’s people, they need to keep turning back to him for real power and salvation. Once more God rescues his people and the Israelites are urged to sing a new song.

What does this mean for us, as people of the New Testament? Well, God’s Word says we are the New Israel, the new people of God. Like the ancient Israelites, we are quick to complain to God when things don’t go the way expect they should. We grumble when our church isn’t doing the things we think it should, or when our culture seems to be heading off the rails, or when our personal lives seem to be spinning out of control. We might try really hard to sort things out for ourselves but sooner or later we come to the realisation we need a saviour to stand in our place and to lead us to still waters and good pasture.

The Lord has worked His salvation, the sting of death has been defeated – and for this reason we celebrate what He has done for all people. This is the gift of Christmas given through the birth of Jesus. It is the gift of new life each child of God receives through the waters of baptism, when we are born again into God’s family.

Singing our new song, we dance forward to the time when the Lord will judge the world with His righteousness. Psalm 98 closes with the Lord judging the peoples with righteousness and he includes all people, not just those who trust Him now.

So this means our dance and song is a witness to all people that we put our trust in the Lord and the salvation He has won for all people. We want to share this good news so others will put their trust in the saving work of Jesus and join us in this celebration of life. That’s a Christmas story worth sharing!

Come, join in the new song and dance of celebration, together with all creation!

In Christian friendship and service,

Pastor Mathew Ker 


Responding with joy and faithfulness


Practicing the peace of God