Upcoming Events

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Adelaide Northern Suburbs Worship Service and Bible Study

Adelaide Northern Suburbs Worship Service and Bible Study

3pm, John McVeity Centre, Function Room 1, 182 Peachey Rd, Smithfield Plains SA 5114

Divine Service with the Lord's Supper, followed by a Bible study - we will be working our way through Luther's Large Catechism. Please bring your hymnals, bibles, and large catechisms if you have them! There will also be some hymnals available if people don't have one.

For more information email: adelaidenorthernsuburbs.lma@gmail.com or contact: Karl 0438 894 601

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North Brisbane Confessional Gathering

North Brisbane Confessional Gathering

John Oxley Reserve Community Centre, 2 Ogg Rd, Murrumba Downs QLD 4503 

A gathering is being held to gauge the interest levels of new Lutheran congregations being formed in the Brisbane region, to talk through some of the practicalities of beginning a congregation and how any new missional ventures might work cooperatively with the current ministries of confessional pastors in neighbouring LCA congregations. LM-A President Pastor Matt Anker and Director, Chris Noller will be present.

We will meet at 11:30am for a devotion and BYO fellowship lunch, followed by discussion with Pastor Matt and Chris, finishing at 2:30pm. If you can only make it for the discussion, that is fine. We will move into that segment around 12:30pm.

BYO Lunch (Tea and coffee provided).

To register your interest, go to rsvp@lutheranmissionaustralia.org.au

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