Formal Launch and Installation Service
23-24 November 2024
Lutheran Mission- Australia was formally launched on 23-24 November 2024 in Hamilton, Victoria. A launch dinner was held at the Hamilton Exhibition and Convention Centre on Saturday 23 November. Almost 200 people attended, including six international special guests, including Rev. President Antonio Reyes, President of the Lutheran Church in the Philippines and the Asia Region representative on the International Lutheran Council’s Executive Committee, and Rev. Dr. Jonathan Shaw, the Assistant to the President of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, and LCMS Director of Church Relations.
At 2.30pm on Sunday 24 November, President Matthew Anker was installed as the first President of the LM-A in front of a congregation of 365 people. The service was led by LM-A Vice President, Pastor Mathew Ker. Rev. Dr. Adam Hensley preached the sermon on Matthew 25:1–13, before President Anker was installed by President Reyes. President Anker then installed LM-A Directors Mr Peter Walter and Mr Christopher Noller, as well as Communications Manager Mrs Libby Krahling. Messages of greeting were read out, and Dr Shaw presented greetings from the LCMS. A wonderful highlight of the service was the beautiful music, featuring Pastor Carl Thiele on the organ, and enthusiastic and heartfelt singing by all present.
Many thanks to Pastor Heath Pukallus for all the photos shared on this page.
Launch Dinner
Almost 200 people joined us for a delicious dinner and time of celebration at the Hamilton Exhibition and Convention Centre.
MC Pastor David Wear in action. His sense of humour and sincere introductions were most appreciated.
Joyous conversation marked the evening, as people of all ages caught up with old friends and made new ones.
Our team of young volunteer waitstaff did an amazing job!
Rev. President Antonio Reyes of the Lutheran Church in the Philippines, began the formal proceedings with a wonderful address.
Rev. Dr. Jonathan Shaw of the LCMS gave a stirring speech exhorting all present to stand firm and expressing the full support of the LCMS.
Our Chairman, Mr Peter Walter, spoke words of encouragement to confessional people around Australia.
It was an honour that so many international dignitaries were able to join us for the weekend. Pictured here, left to right, are Rev. Charles Ferry, LCMS Asia Regional Director, Rev. Dr. Jonathan Shaw, Rev. Dr. Adam Hensley (former ALC lecturer and LCA Pastor, associate professor of Exegetical Theology at Concordia Seminary, St Louis, Missouri, LM-A President Matt Anker, Rev. Dr. Matthew Wood, LCMS Asia Area Facilitator, Rev. President Antonio Reyes, Lutheran Church in the Philippines, Mr Sam Borgwardt, LCMS Asia Regional Business Manager, and Rev. Dr Brian Gauthier, LCMS Global Mission Director.
Installation Service
Processional, led by crucifer, Josh Rentsch
Crucifer Josh Rentsch, Preacher Dr Adam Hensley, Presiding Minister for Installation Rev. President Antonio Reyes, Liturgist Pastor Mathew Ker and President Matt Anker process into Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Hamilton.
The rafters rang with 400 voices raised for the processional hymn: LH 823 Thy Strong Word Did Cleave the Darkness
Pastor Mathew Ker sharing the readings for the day: Isaiah 51:4–6, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 and Matthew 25:1–13.
Dr Adam Hensley preaching on Matthew 25:1–13, the parable of the wise and foolish virgins.
Rev. President Antonio Reyes installs LM-A President Matt Anker
The presentation of the President's pectoral cross.
Pastor Mathew Ker greets newly installed President Matt Anker.
President Matt Anker installs Directors Peter Walter and Christopher Noller, and Communications Manager Libby Krahling.
Pastor Carl Thiele played the organ throughout the service.
Rev. Dr. Jonathan Shaw shared a greeting from the LCMS at the close of the service.
President Matt Anker addresses the congregation, giving thanks to God and all who have supported LM-A.
LH 191 The Church’s One Foundation resounded as the recessional hymn.
To watch the full live stream recording of the Installation Service, please click on this link: https://youtube.com/live/-J-s2M8dD0I